Top 10 Amazing facts of Google


Google is multinational and subsidiary company of Alphabet Inc. It is one of largest search engine of the internet. It was founded by two PhD students Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1998. Headquarter of the google is Mountain View , California. It is considered one of the Big Four technology companies alongside Amazon, Apple and Microsoft.

Top 10 facts about google:

Google has averaged a new company acquisition each week since 2010

Google has averaged a new company acquisition each week since 2010

 The name 'Google' is actually derived from the mathematical term 'googol' which is basically 1 with a 100 zeros following it

The name 'Google' is actually derived from the mathematical term 'googol' which is basically 1 with a 100 zeros following it

Google employees are called Googlers, new employees are called Nooglers

Google employees are called Googlers, new employees are called Nooglers

Google rents 200 goats to “mow” the weeds and brush around headquarters.

Google rents 200 goats to “mow” the weeds and brush around headquarters

The Google Street View has about 28 million miles of photographed roads

The Google Street View has about 28 million miles of photographed roads

Google’s original name was Backrub, based on the system finding and ranking pages based on backlinks

Google’s original name was Backrub, based on the system finding and ranking pages based on backlinks

One of the early versions of Google could process 30-50 pages per second. Now Google can process millions of pages per second

One of the early versions of Google could process 30-50 pages per second. Now Google can process millions of pages per second

Google was first stored on ten 4GB hard drives in a Lego casing, now showcased by Stanford University. The Lego design would let the founders expand storage capacity easily. The index now has over 100 million GB of data

Google was first stored on ten 4GB hard drives in a Lego casing, now showcased by Stanford University. The Lego design would let the founders expand storage capacity easily. The index now has over 100 million GB of data

No Part Of A Google Office Is More Than 150 Feet Away From Food

No Part Of A Google Office Is More Than 150 Feet Away From Food

Headquarters is full of odd decorations, such as a T-Rex named Stan, a space ship, pink flamingos, a Lego figure, adult-sized ball pits, Android statues, and phone boxes painted in Google color

Headquarters is full of odd decorations, such as a T-Rex named Stan, a space ship, pink flamingos, a Lego figure, adult-sized ball pits, Android statues, and phone boxes painted in Google color


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