Random Facts But really amazing facts

Facts At birth and throughout life,95% of a child 's intelligency is acquired from the mother When a person dies they have 7 minutes left of brain activity, it's the mind playing back the person's memory in a dream sequence While awake, your brain generates between 7 and 23 watt of power or enough energy to light a bulb Did you know that you spend about 24 years of your life in a wonderful coma called sleep.. World most expensive cheese 1000$ per pound is made from donkey milk Children's Day is celebrated in India on November 14th, 9 months after Valentine's Day. Advanced scientific concepts like test tube babies, cloning and time travel are mentioned in ‘Mahabharata,’ which was written around 3rd century B.C. Cats spend 70% of theirs life sleeping. Human can't drink sea water but cat can